Sunday, November 05, 2006

Life is like Dr. Mario

Friday evening we were playing Dr. Mario. I’m not very good and some times I get backed up so bad I’m only solving one problem at time. As things build up my objective gets focused on what to do with the next pill, then the stack’s up too high and I loose.

Some days life reminds me of Dr. Mario. I’ve spent entire days solving little problems while large projects wait. Then I’m playing catch up on large projects just to keeping them moving forward. The trick is to keep small projects and problems from overtaking important projects.

Phil Cooke suggested voice and e-mail be checked one hour before quitting time. His theory is this would prioritize small problems and fires keeping important projects moving. I’m going to try this. I have larger projects I want to keep moving or I’ll never get them done. I’ll keep you informed of how this works.

If you have any tips or tricks let me know.

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